2011/07/22 4:46 (in response to alanfromcosta serina)
Try LibreOffice.
What happened is Sun got bought by Oracle and most all the OpenOffice developers left and formed LibreOffice so it remains free.
More people are looking at the code than before and repairs and improvements occur faster.
OpenOffice's fate seems uncertain, Oracle doesn't want to spend money on it.
LibreOffice can open all your OpenOffice files, it's the same program basically, just more improved.
If there is going to be a Lion update it will come here first most likely.
以前,NeoOfficeがOpenOfficeに統合した筈だが,これも独自にLion対応をうたっているらしい。 一体全体,どうしたらいいのだろうか? 個人的な心情としては
ーーーー このポストの履歴
- 開始 2011-08-24 (水) 15:32
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