さらに、同時に使うことがあるコマンド、「aiport -I, airporl -s」も簡単に呼び出せるようにしました。Mavericksでこのスクリプトを制作して重宝していました。
#!/bin/zsh # we: "Wifi state Exchanger" script for Yosemite # Usage: # • we⏎ : normal opration: exchange state(on/off) of Wi-Fi. # • we n⏎: normal operation with no output. # • we i⏎: airport -I # • we s⏎: airport -s # 2015-04-15 11:12:27 from won/wof, by mNeji. # variables local Pctrol a api apa inp etp local pre_status chg_status local my_initial my_now nsec cen1 # input parameter Pctrol="$1" # direct definition to the command 'airport' for general purose a="/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/" a=${a}Current/Resources/airport # airport call & finish if [[ "$Pctrol" = "i" ]]; then $a -I; return elif [[ "$Pctrol" = "s" ]]; then $a -s; return fi # set status for previous and changed pre_status=$([[ "$(ipconfig getifaddr en1 )" = "" ]] && echo "off" || echo "on") #echo $pre_status [[ "$pre_status" = "off" ]] && chg_status="on" || chg_status="off" #echo $pre_status #echo $chg_status # Change Airport status networksetup -setairportpower en1 $chg_status # set initial date in unit of 'sec' my_initial=$(date +%s) # main waiting loop until 'netstat' contain en1 conpornents. while : ; do my_now=$(date +%s) nsec=$(($my_now-$my_initial)) if [[ "$Pctrol" = "" ]]; then printf "\rWi-Fi:$pre_status → passed(sec): %d" $nsec fi cen1=$(netstat -r -f inet | grep en1) # s=$(ipconfig getifaddr en1) # it was worked at Mavericks. [[ "$cen1" = "" ]] && continue || break done if [[ "$Pctrol" = "" ]]; then echo -n "\rWi-Fi[$pre_status→(${nsec}sec)→$chg_status] " fi # list up status for wifi api=$($a -I |grep "^ *SSID: " |sed 's/^ *//g' |cut -d' ' -f2) apa=$($a -I |grep "^ *BSSID: " |sed 's/^ *//g' |cut -d' ' -f2) inp=$(ifconfig en1 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d' ' -f2) etp=$(ifconfig en1 | grep ether | cut -d' ' -f2) if [[ "$Pctrol" = "" ]]; then if [[ "$chg_status" = "on" ]]; then echo "$api($apa)⥢⥤ $inp($etp)" else echo "AccessPoint is idle." fi fi____
- 開始 2015-04-16(木) 20:04:55
- 修正 2015-04-17(金) 00:32:09 図の修正
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